Dear Neighbor, 

Why would a committeeman asking you to re-elect him, Kevin Yeagle, appear to have been involved with a fake account used to promote the Mega Warehouse plan adding 500+ trucks a day to our streets and permanently destroying 100 acres of forest & farms?

It appears he posted using a fake Facebook account “Bill Miller” on community page “Pittsgrove Happenings” to support the widely opposed Mega Warehouse. [See Source 1]


The fake account's "cover photo" appears to have been taken in Kevin Yeagle's front yard.

Oops Again...

Was this a mishap of forgetting to switch to the fake Facebook account? Kevin Yeagle's personal facebook replied, in full context, to a comment tagging the fake facebook account. A resident is seen replying to Kevin's Yeagles (quickly deleted) post.

Can you trust him to protect your investment into Pittsgrove as a quiet, rural place?

If you don't vote for change, the bad decisions won’t stop.

Now, do you know about the $5000 "Donation"?

Recently $5000 was sent by an out-of-town warehouse developer to the Recreation Board where Kevin Yeagle is a member [Source 2, 3].

Curiously, a short time later, his Recreation Board co-member, who also sits on the planning board, voted "yes" for the donating developer’s plan which adds 57 trucks a day to our streets. [See Source 4]

Timeline: $5000 Coincidental Donation To "Yes" Warehouse Vote

April 2 : $5000 Donated by Warehouse Developer to Recreation Board

Recreation Advisory Board Receives $5000 from warehouse developer for Pittsgrove Community Weekend

April 8 : Kevin Yeagle Attends, Dual Member Votes on Spending of $5000 Donation.

Dual Member “AK” votes to approve Pittsgrove Community Weekend spending items, funded by developer's donation, during Recreation Advisory meeting.

Kevin Yeagle mentions he will “Email About” getting an ATM.

May 18, 19 : $5000 Donation Spent on Pittsgrove Weekend Event

Pittsgrove Community Weekend happens and donors appear in flyer.

May 22 : Warehouse Developer Appears on Planning Agenda

Warehouse developer plans appear for completeness review on 5/28 planning board agenda distributed to members on 5/22.

May 25 : The Public Raises Question Over The Timing of Donation

The public raises questions on Pittsgrove Happenings page about the timing of donations from Warehouse Developer.

May 28 : Warehouse Developer Disappears From Planning Agenda

Warehouse Developer plans disappear from website-posted agenda & completeness vote does not happen . 

June 25 : Warehouse Developer re-appears on Planning Board Agenda.

Warehouse Developer plans re-appear for completeness review. Dual member “AK” is present but does not vote.

July 23 : Dual Member Votes During Approval of Warehouse Developer's Plan

Source: July 23rd Meeting Minutes (Not Yet Published by Municipality)

Warehouse Developer plans appear for hearing approval. Dual member votes during approval of Warehouse Developer’s plan which adds over 50 trucks per day to Pittsgrove streets.

While we support recreation programs, did the $5000 influence the planning board’s vote?

And if it did, was it worth flooding our quiet rural streets with semi trucks and everything else that comes with that kind of development?

Everything that makes Pittsgrove unique is at risk when people make bad decisions that could jeopardise your investment with industrial blight. 

Thankfully, there can be an end to these questionable decisions : You need to vote. 

Angie Bradley is running this November on the platform of “Neighbors First”.

She’s the only candidate who protested the mega warehouse and truck increases.

She brings a master plan solution to ban industrial blight.

Pittsgrove voters have already trusted Angie by electing her to the school board where she has served with distinction.

There she helped a group effort that delivered sports and school facility upgrades funded by the State with no school tax increase. 


Angie Bradley is known by many as a "wonder-woman" in Pittsgrove’s District 4, with energy to fix up multiple houses, direct road cleanups, work as traveling nurse, coordinated free school supplies for students, all of this and a grandmother to nine.

Send this "wonder-woman" Angie Bradley to Township Committee!

Remember, she is the only candidate who stood with neighbors on the front lines of protecting our way of life and investment in Pittsgrove.

Thank you for your support over the years in keeping Pittsgrove a rural place.

We can’t fix every problem today, but you can now vote and pass this letter to family & friends. 

-Nicholas Mesiano
Save Pittsgrove Founder


Sources Cited

Source 1 - Committeeman for Re-Elect Kevin Yeagle appears to be supporting the mega-warehouse project from behind a fake Facebook account.

This screenshot shows the aftermath of an apparent mishap of forgetting to switch facebook accounts - Kevin Yeagle appears to uses his personal facebook account to reply, in full context, to a post meant for the fake facebook account. A resident replied just before the apparent accidental post was deleted.

Source 2 - $5000 sent by warehouse developer applicant to Pittsgrove Recreation Board

Source 3 - Membership list of Recreation and Planning Board shows Kevin Yeagle & dual voting member

Source 4 - Planning board member who sits on Recreation board votes 'yes' for warehouse developer's variances

Agenda showing final vote scheduled. Minutes have not been published by the township. Planning member was present and voted 'yes' for the developer's plan after voting to spend developer's donation to recreation board in month's prior.

Source 5 - Fake facebook account features cover photo taken in Kevin Yeagle's Yard

Yes, it appears this fake account was so poorly concealed that it sports a photograph of Pittsgrove Day Fireworks, apparently taken in the front yard of Kevin Yeagle's house.